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Cosmetic Acupuncture

The condition of the skin is a direct reflection of what is occurring internally in the body. Thus cosmetic concerns have their origin in internal imbalances. Lessening vitality, that often comes with age, causes changes in the skin, leading to wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (dark spots), thinning and sagging skin and other signs of aging. Toxic buildup, digestive weakness, and inflammation internally lead to conditions such as acne breakouts, congested skin, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. Hormonal imbalance, liver toxicity, and inflammation can lead to hyperpigmentation (dark spots).

Treatment Plans

Our plans combine traditional treatments with modern technology for a comprehensive approach. A home skincare routine, nutritional guidance, and Chinese herbs are often given for greater effectiveness.

Anti-aging Treatment
Hyperpigmentation (Dark Spots) Treatment
Acne Treatment
Rosacea Treatment
Descriptions of Treatments & Machines

Rejuvenation with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Ultimate Facial Rejuvenation
Includes face & body acupuncture and two of the following: endermolift, ultrasound, or microcurrent.

90 min: $150

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Acupuncture Facelift
Includes face & body acupuncture and one of the following: endermolift or microcurrent.

60 min: $115

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Normalizing Hyperpigmentation with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Pearl Acupuncture
Includes face & body acupuncture along with either ultrasound or microderm.

90 min: $135

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Clearing Acne with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Clear Skin Acupuncture
Includes face & body acupuncture along with one of the following: microderm, endermolift, or extractions.

90 min: $135

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Calming Inflammation with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Acupuncture Treatment
60 min: $85

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Description of Treatments and Machines

Face & Body Acupuncture Treatment
Face and body acupuncture focus on the internal cause of skin conditions. First there is an intake, including tongue and pulse diagnosis. Then the patient lies down and tiny needles are inserted in the appropriate points. The patient relaxes for 15-30 minutes, afterwhich the needles are removed and disposed of in a Sharps container.

Endermolift is a relaxing, non-invasive procedure that drains the lymphatic system, increases blood circulation, lifts and tightens the skin. It treats congestion, under eye puffiness, sagging skin, and wrinkles.

Organic Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is an exfoliation treatment and can be uncomfortable. It feels scratchy, like a cat licking your face, but the results make it worth it. It is excellent for acne, congestion, and hyperpigmentation. Our microdermabrasion machine uses organic baking soda crystals and is safe for use around the lips, nose, and eyes.

Our combination microcurrent and galvanic machine uses a series of currents to stimulate the muscles and surface of the skin. You will notice an immediate tightening and lifting effect that lasts longer with repeated treatments.

Ultrasound utilizes a different current that breaks up dark spots, thickens and tightens the skin, and reduces wrinkles. It is a relaxing treatment and you will feel heat and a slight vibration.

First the skin is cleansed, then steamed with an enzyme mask to soften the sebum. Then whiteheads and blackheads are removed. This treatment is indicated for congested or acneic conditions.

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